KPMG “New reality Survey”

Business operations throughout all corners of the globe are being impacted by the events of the past several months. As we settle into a New Reality, it is very clear that, with such significant disruption, the road to recovery requires changes to company strategy and operations.

The KPMG U.S.-U.K. Corridor practice and British-American Business Network are working together to conduct a pulse survey to gain a better understanding of how multinational companies in the U.S.-U.K. corridor are dealing with this New Reality. The study takes less than five minutes to complete, and all responses are anonymous.

We would appreciate your feedback and participation in the study. Your input will provide valuable insights on the potential lasting business impacts of the COVID-19 health pandemic and related economic recession.

Your responses will also inform a roadmap to help businesses in the U.S.-U.K. corridor meet objectives and develop strategies to survive and thrive in the New Reality.

Thank you in advance. We look forward to hearing from you.

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