British American Buisness Council Policy Update – June 2018

June 2018

The British-American Business Council would like to wish everyone a very happy Fourth of July and hope you had a safe and fun day, wherever you were celebrating.

In June BAB kicked off its Political Insights series with Sir Vince Cable and hosted the first in a series of high level meetings with Her Majesty’s Government with the Minister of State for Trade Policy, focusing on UK-US trade and investment and the business environment companies face in the UK.

The momentum continues in July with the third meeting of the UK-US Trade and Investment Working Group which will see up to 60 US Government officials in town for a meeting with their UK Counterparts. BritishAmerican Business (BAB) London is proud to be co-hosting the second SME Dialogue, looking at how more UK SMEs can break into and expand in the US market.

We look forward to seeing many of you over the course of the month, kicking off this Friday with a visit from Congressman George Holding.

If you would like to be involved in our policy work and sign up to our Policy stakeholder mailing list please contact us:

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