BABC Young Professionals Happy Hour – Tuesday, August 13th, 2019

It was a great turnout to the recent BABC Young Professionals Happy Hour, with a record number of people showing up!

We welcomed many new faces to the Happy Hour and courtesy of our hosts
Werqwise everyone was well hydrated and merry.

We would like to thank everyone that supported the event by coming along, we hope you all had a great time and made not only valuable connections but had some fun too!

Hopefully we will see you at our upcoming Happy Hours and future BABC Events!

We would like to extend special thanks to
Werqwise, who are always so hospitable! The BABC Happy Hour runs on the customary second Tuesday of every month, so make sure to add this to your calendar! Check out the photos below.

We are also delighted that our BABC Happy Hours will continue to be sponsored by world-renowned Australian wine makers,

So if you are looking to not only expand your bay area network but your wine palette too make sure to register for August’s Happy Hour.


Click here to see the photos and don’t forget to like our Facebook Page

Remember to keep watch for registration to the next event as tickets have recently been selling out fast!

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