London/New York – London/New York – Today, BritishAmerican Business (BAB) published its position paper on taxing digital services, including a number of recommendations on how to create a fair, modern and global framework for taxation.
The paper, produced by BAB in consultation with its members, stakeholders from the OECD, governments, and academia, concludes that whilst the process of creating a fair framework for taxing digital profits is, and will continue to be, difficult, there is nonetheless cause to be optimistic; stakeholders should use the renewed momentum behind a global solution to refocus their efforts behind the current OECD proposal for a “Unified Approach” under Pillar One.
In light of the development of unilateral proposals such as the UK’s proposed Digital Services Tax, BAB has been a vocal supporter of a multilateral solution that guarantees a high level of consistency across markets, reduces fragmentation and increases regulatory alignment.
You can read the position paper in full here.