Michael Page Summer Mixer in Palo Alto

The Terrace Room of the Garden Court Hotel in Palo Alto was packed for the Summer Mixer sponsored by Michael Page International on Thursday August 9.

Members of the British American Business Council Northern California, French American Chamber of Commerce San Francisco and German American Business Association mingled with representatives from Michael Page International and other guests whilst enjoying a refreshing range of drinks from the bar.

More than 100 people attended the two hour event, which spilled out onto the second floor terrace of the Hotel.

Many thanks to Michael Page International for their generous sponsorship of the event. You can find out more about Michael Page International on their
website or contact Executive Director James Mayo at jmayo@michaelpage.us.com or by telephone at +1 415-926 7401.

You can have a look at the photos from the event below:

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

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